Giving Who What and Why?
It’s kind of interesting… Any time I’ve ever thrown it out to the Any Body in the Out There that I needed/wanted something, I received absolutely zero (0) replies.
I had my 1957 Fender Deluxe amp stolen a few years back. An amp I used all the time. You can see it in background of the Zen Film, The Rock n’ Roll Cops, when David Heavener and I are jamming. I brought that amp onto the set as that was the only amp I could fit in my 356 as I had so much other equipment in there on that day of filming. I asked if anyone Out There had one, (or could find one or some similar amp), and wanted to toss it my way… Response: ZERO. Not a word.
I… I guess I foolishly gave my Gibson L5-S away to a known rock star, who played it and loved it, when we were at the Montreal Jazz Festival a number of years ago. I spoke about that situation in a blog a long-long time ago. I really missed that guitar and asked if anyone Out There had a line on one or could possibly hook me up with one. Response: Zero, Nothing, Nada.
On the other side of all of this, I was going through my stuff, as I always hope to not get too burdened down with items I am not using and could be better owned by someone else… I saw I had several Fender Stratocasters that had been in their cases for a very long time. I put it out there that if anyone wanted or needed one, I would give it to them. Me, I got deluged with people asking for one.
Like I have long said, “Everyone wants something from me, but no one ever gives me anything.”
I look to my filmmaking career… Even on its most elemental level, there are those who wish to do nothing but to talk shit about my films in order to gain a following, feel like some kind of a Knower, and/or maybe make a few dollars. Did they make the movies? No. Did they have the inspiration to make the films. No. Did they give me any money to create the pieces of cinematic art they are discussing? Nope. Do they truly understand me or my cinematic philosophy on any level? No. Yet, they feel they have the right to use my creative process, and the artistic creations I have created, to find a means to speak.
So, tell me, who is the instigator of their thoughts? The answer: Me. I envisioned and made the movies. They did nothing but speak about them. They gave nothing to the creative process. How shallow is that?
And, I’m just using my films, in regard to this subject, as the focal point. But, it’s not just me. This stuff goes on all over the place. People take but they do not give.
What am I saying here? Well, there’s a lot of levels to this… Truly, ask yourself, what do you give back to that someone who does something for you? Do you ever even think about giving them anything? Do you ever even try? Or, is your entire reality based upon what you want and what you get. If it is, what does that say about you?
The thing is, when can live our lives on a more conscious level. We can care about the needs of that Some One Else. We can stop seeing Our World and The World only through the eyes of our own desire. We can give choose to care enough about all those Others Out There and not simply want and take what we can from them but instead give. Because isn’t giving always the highest good?
It always seems that people are very willing to be aware of and to happily give that Some Thing to that Some One that they love or desire or whatever. But, what about the everyone else out there? If they are in your sphere of reality, don’t you believe that you should be aware of what they want or need as well? Don’t you think that you should give to them as well?
So… Here you are, it is a new day. Are you only going to think about what you want? Or, are you going to consider what They want?
Who are you going to give to today?