Only One Person
Most people are very focused on who and what they are. They are that one THING. Yes, maybe they do several things but in their own mind there is one attributing factor that defines who and what they are.
I’ve known a lot of people in my many years here on this planet. Some of the people I have known have defined themselves as a mother, a father, a musician, an artist, an actor, a filmmaker, a martial artist, a gearhead, a wino, an author, a whatever... Some define themselves by the job that do. Both my mother and my father were very much defined by their jobs. They both had very little life outside of that job. My father literally had a heart attack and died at his place of employment. When my mother was forced into retirement, in her seventies, she had no idea what to do with her time for the remaining years of her life. I had a friend who lived in L.A. but worked in Las Vegas. Every Monday morning he would make that three hundred mile journey, live in a motel for the week, and then make the drive back on Friday night. He did that until he died.
In other words, most people see themselves as that one thing, even if they are not aware enough to define themselves as such. How about you? How do you define yourself? What are you? Really, who and what do you see yourself as?
I had an interesting interaction with this person I recently met. Like so many people do, she asked me what did I do. That’s one of the seemingly most common questions of all. “So, what do you do?” As is, and has always been, my answer, “A little bit of this and a little bit of that.”
She kept pushing the issue, however. “No really, what do you do?” Finally, I said, “That’s a long story…” I gave her my card and told her to check out my website if she really cared that much. …As I don’t believe most people do. Maybe they pretend to care. But, deep down inside, they really don’t.
The next time I bumped into her, she exclaimed, “You are so many people.” As I told her, that’s not true. I am not. I am only one person who does what I do. Maybe I do a lot of stuff, but that is simply an exaggerated example of everyone.
Think about this… First of all, how did you initially define yourself? Who and what do you see yourself as? Okay, that’s who you are. But, aren’t you much more than that? Maybe you are a son, a daughter, a brother, a sister, a father, a mother, a believer, a car driver, a sometimes cook, a sometimes cleaner, a sometimes gardener, a sometimes whatever… You, just like everyone, is a million things. The million undefined things that you do, are all elements in the delineation of you. Yes, you may not proclaim all of the things that you are and all of the things that you do. But, they are you. So yes, you are only one person, but you are a million different things to a zillion different people. Don’t forget that!