The Scott Shaw Blog Be Positive

How You Leave a Space

I always remember a situation that occurred to me when I was living in my first apartment. I was going to college. I was deeply involved with the Integral Yoga Institute and The Sufi Order. So, I had my focus and all my friends in the building respected that. Them, they were a bunch of crazed, acid taking, musicians. So yes, me also being a musician, we would jam and talk about music and the like all the time.  When this one guy and his wife were moving out, I went over to see if they needed any help. They didn’t. Instead, I witnessed them just destroying the apartment. They were kicking holes in the walls and breaking all of their unwanted possession and stuff like that. This, all because they didn’t like the manager of building and wanted to get back at him (or something). They wanted me to join in. I told them what they were doing was fucked up and I left. I didn’t want to be any part of it.  
That’s a very exaggerated example. But, if you think about it, this kind of stuff goes on all the time. People destroy instead of create.
The term, “Toxic,” has become very popular of late, referring to a person’s behavior. I guess it’s a good word to describe the mindset of many people. I mean, a lot of people do a lot of fucked up shit. I’m sure you can probably think to someone who did that Some Thing to you.
But, let’s take a minute here… Let’s really trace this down. Think about a situation where you found yourself deeply involve with someone who was doing some very, “Toxic,” something. Really chart it out. What were they doing? You don’t have to question, “Why,” because you will probably never really understand the true answer to that question. But, really see it, feel it; re-experience what they were doing?
Now, ask yourself, why were you there? Were you a participant? Did you help them actualize their chaos? What was your part in all of that? And, most importantly, why did you end up in their mix in the first place?
Let’s go even deeper. What toxic things have you done in your life. Who have you done them to? What walls did you kick in? Whose life did you hurt? What possession, either yours or theirs, did you intentionally break? Whose heart did you break? Who did you punch in the face? WHY?
The ultimate definition of a truly, “Toxic,” person is a person who simply does what they do but they do not consider or care about the consequences to anyone or anything. They are so lost in the act of their doing—they are so lost in their self-driven mindset—they are so lost in their own justification(s) that they cannot see the bigger picture. How about you? Where do you fall in this truth of human reality?
Again, we come back to the fact that most people who do this kind of stuff are so lost in their toxicity that they do not contemplate or care about the ramifications of their actions. Thus, all the pain, suffering, and/or damage they create, they are not even AWARE enough to comprehend what they are unleashing. Most, if asked, will either claim that they
are very aware of what they are doing and they possess a (logical to them) reason for doing it or they will simply dismiss the question all together.  And, many do this stuff with a big smile on their face so who they truly are is very deceptive. But, is this style of behavior ever okay? No, it is not.
So, this takes us to the point of all of this, and something I always say to everybody, “Wherever you go, whatever you do, leave that place/that situation better than you found it.” This can be achieved by doing very simply things, and those things are obvious. Mostly, what it means is to never intentionally hurt anyone or anything.

Hurt always hurt and many times that hurt never goes away. Be more than that. Make things nice. Leave, wherever you go, whomever you interact with, better for your being there.