How You Say What You Say
We’re in election season here in the U.S. In fact, we’re eighty-eight days away from the big one, the presidential election.
One of the things that really bothers me, in this season of politics, is how newscasters say their words and form their phrases when referring to the two candidates. And, this is something very subtle that, in some cases, you really have to listen for. But, what occurs, on the TV news, radio, and elsewhere, is that when a newscaster is describing what took place or what was said by a candidate, they twist it, just so slighting, to make the politician they are supporting sound good, and the one they are against appear not so good. Again, this is very subtle. But, if you are listening for it, the way the newscaster forms their sentences and disseminates the information that they are presenting, it is very telling.
It's no secret, but the majority of the media here in the U.S. is left leaning. So, if your mind and your politics goes that way, what you hear sounds very appealing. If, on the other hand, you lean to the right in your political ideology, then what they say can become quite offensive.
Obviously, this doesn’t go on simply in politics. Everywhere, with everyone who discuss that someone else, what they say about them, and how they say it, is based upon their own bias. All you have to do is listen.
The thing is, and this is where the problems really begin, some people, in fact, most people, possess very little discrimination or the ability to form their own opinions. What they hear, they immediately believe. They may know very little or nothing about the candidate, or whomever a person is speaking about, but they listen, and they instantly believe.
How about you? How much of what you hear do you immediately believe? Do you ever take the time to check the facts that are being presented about that someone else? Or, do you simply take whomever is saying whatever at their word; instantly believing everything that they say?
You know, this is where so many of the world problems begin. They begin at the person-to-person level. They begin by one person saying one thing about another individual. They speak it how they see it, whether what they are saying is based in fact or not. They do this, someone hears what they say, and the lie of life is given birth to.
The fact is, people have been killed due to what someone else said about them. They have been killed but what the killer was told, inciting them to act, was not even the truth. This has been documented many times.
I really dislike what the media does in association with politicians. I really dislike the way people speak about other people, guiding others to believe what they believe about that someone else, when the facts they are presenting are, at best, their own interpretations of what they believe that person to be or not to be.
You really need to listen to the subtitles of a conversation whenever anyone is talking about someone else. For what they say may have some basis in fact, but you must contemplate, is what they are saying tilted to guide the listener towards their own way of thinking?
Never believe anyone simply because they are saying something. Always check the facts before you believe.