The Illusionary Mind
After you have watched a movie with strange character development or an unexpected plot twist do to you ever find yourself wondering, “Why did that character do that?” Do you ever observe your mind going back over the happenings in the film, trying to find the answer of, why? Stop it! It’s not real life! It did not really happen!
Do you ever find yourself thinking and speaking about another person. You may be questioning why they are the way they are or why they did or are doing what they have done? Maybe you know them. Maybe they are a family member or a friend. Maybe they are simply a celebrity or someone you do no not personally know. Yet, your mind returns to thinking about them time and time again. Stop it! They are not you! As they are not you, you can never truly understand why they are doing what they are doing or why they have done what they have done!
Do you ever find yourself lost deeply in fantasy. Maybe you find your thinking mind lost deep in your imagination dreaming about what would or could take place with you and that someone else. Maybe it is you lost deep in your mind about something happening to you or your career or your whatever that you wish would come to be a part of your life. Stop it! That is not real! You being lost in fantasy does not make your dream a reality! It is just you wasting your time lost in an illusion!
The thing that defines the life of many/most people is that they lose themselves lost in a false reality that is not their own. They focus on the what is outside of themselves, who is not themselves, and the out there. They exist in a fantasy, dream space that is not true reality. They focus on things they do not truly comprehend, people they do not understand, and life that they will never live.
Society trains the mind to do this. This has been the case since the dawn of humanity. There is always a distraction. In the modern world there are fictional novels, TV, movies, sports, and sports teams, and all that nonsense on the internet, all designed to drive the mind outwards from one’s self and away from what is truly important.
Think about your own life. What do you think about? Where are your thoughts focused? Are they pinpointed on that sports team you like, on the style of movies you enjoy, on that TV show you love to watch, on that person you dream you could be in a relationship with but are not, on some celebrity; what they do and how they do it, on gabbing and gossiping about that whomever? Or, do you focus on yourself? Finding a way to make you a better and more enlightened human being?
Truly, how much of your thoughts are focused on that something out there? How much of your thoughts are lost to fantasy? How much of your Life Time do you spend thinking and talking about someone who is not you? Verses how much of your thoughts and your actions are guided towards positive personal growth and realization?
You can spend your life dreaming about that something that will never be. You can spend your life trying to figure out why a person, or a fictional character, did what they did. You can spend your life cheering for your favorite team or you can choose to focus your mind on the more true, real, and profound elements of life and make you and your lifetime and the entire life space you inhabit a better and truer reality. Your life. Your choice.