The Scott Shaw Blog Be Positive

Samurai Vampire Bikers from Hell - Mad Movies Magazine #78

Here’s a fun/funny little bit… A review (kinda) published in the French Indie Film Magazine, Mad Movies, along with a direct translation.
E Bon, maintenant une histoire (oh oui, raconte Tonton Mad !). Il était une fois un gars, Scott Shaw, qui voulait faire du cinéma Il avait tellement d'idées et si m d'argent qu'il craignait que “expérience restât unique eh oui, on connaît le subjonctif à Mad, mais la question n'est pas là...). Il se dit "la mode est aux vampires, les Tortues Ninja cassent la baraque et on pourrait ressusciter les films de motards", et là l'idée fuse, fulgurante, belle dans sa simplicité, "је vais tourner Samurai Vampire Bikers from Hell ! Au pire, si je n'arrive pas à le monter, j'aurais une notule dans Mad ef ca sera la gloire quand méme !". Bravo, mon gars, tu l'as, mais fais-nous plaisir tourne-le ton film. D'autant que l'actrice principale se nomme Tipsy La Fabula ! Si ca marche pas, elle pourra toujours se reconvertir au Crazy Horse Saloon...

A Okay, now a story (oh yes, tell Uncle Mad!). Once upon a time there was a guy, Scott Shaw, who wanted to make films. He had so many ideas and so much money that he feared that “the experience would remain unique. Yes, we know the subjunctive in Mad, but the question n 's not there...). He said to himself "vampires are in fashion, Ninja Turtles are breaking the house and we could resurrect biker films", and then the idea bursts forth, dazzling, beautiful in its simplicity, "I'm going to shoot Samurai Vampire Bikers from Hell! At worst, if I don't manage to put it together, I'll get a bad start in Mad and it'll still be glory!" Bravo, my man, you have it, but do us a favor, shoot your film. Especially since the main actress is called Tipsy La Fabula! If that doesn't work, she can always retrain at the Crazy Horse Saloon...